Norske uttrykk

by LET Software

Books & Reference

4.99 usd

"Norwegian expressions" contain everything from proverbs and longer expressions, to shorter phrases and word connections all the way down to single words. The core of the app is idiomatic expressions and metaphors, but it contains everything from words and expressions used in a figurative or figurative sense, as well as fixed conventional word connections. Everything explained briefly and concisely.The app is easy and fast to search, and the explanations of many expressions contain references to other similar expressions, which you can explore. The app will give many a significant linguistic growth and - sometimes a good laugh.The app can be set to give you a daily notification with todays expression, so you can get new linguistic knowledge in an easy way.«Norwegian expressions» is based on the book «WITH THE WORD IN ITS POWER - 10,000 STANDING EXPRESSIONS, FIXED PHRASES, WORDS AND TURNINGS».The purpose of the book, and thus the app, is to help create increased awareness and interest in this language area, and to give the reader a larger vocabulary and a better sense of language. You will also be able to enjoy it a lot in festive groups.GOOD LUCK!Håkon Lutdal